Treasure HUT
"Where Rarity is Common"
5070 International Blvd.
North Charleston, SC 29481
RULES - Treasure Traders
Treasure TRADERS

"Where Rarity Is Common"
1.) Group Quality: Etiquette, Ethics, and Morals
Mazal is Mazal! Sold is Sold! - Ask all questions before you commit.
"You must be beyond reproach to be a Fellow Treasure Trader!"
Be Kind and courteous, Respect everyone's privacy.
No Public Bashing of another member, if you have issues that you cannot resolve privately reach out for help from our Admins.
No Negative comments under another member's post, again reach out privately if you have an issue or disagree with their post.
Do not block Admins or Mods, this disrupts management.
2.) POSTS: For Sale, ISO, Discussions, News, Events
ALL POSTS: must be related to the following industries Jewelry,
Coins, Bullion.
NO Posts that violate any intellectual property rights holders' trademark(s). i.e. Luxury Brand Names.
SELLER's posts should average $100 or more each.
OBO "Or Best Offer" Must be Published with OBO after the price.
NO Fishing - All For Sale Post Must Have an Asking Price.
NO Political or Religious Posts Allowed.
NO Charity, Donations, and/or GoFundMe Request.
NO Raffles/Razz's
NO Hash Tags.
NO Reels
3.) Post Limits: Listing, Bumping
LISTING for members are 3 free posts per day offering one item for sale per post. (No more individual items in Free Posts)
BUMPING procedure for general members requires that you lower the price of your item for it to be eligible to bump. Simply comment "Price Reduced to $ XXX" in a comment beneath your post.
BUMPING limits is 3 posts at a time, we must keep the feed well mixed. If you wish to bump more, wait, and come back later to bump up to 3 more at a time.
4.) Gemstones: Loose, Carvings, Specimens
Free Colored Gemstone sellers will have a posting limit of 1 free gem post per day (no gemstone lots in free posts). Sellers may offer 1 gemstone for sale per post. Price per carat is allowed if the total listing price is included for the gem that is shown.
Gemstone Sellers are expected to maintain a high standard of value and quality in all posts.
This limit is imposed due to the nature of the category.
(Gold Sponsors have additional limits.)
5.) Mark Your Posts: Sold and/or Cross Posted
MARKING POST SOLD - This is important to let others know your item is no longer available. Simply comment "Sold" or "Sold Via PM" and we will add our Sold Graphic, so it stands out to everyone that it is no longer available. No matter where or how it sells, never comment "Sold Elsewhere". This is not good for you or the group!
CROSS-POSTING - Allowed if (Cross Posted) is mentioned in your post and you immediately mark it sold when no longer available.
6.) Legal Responsibilities: US & International
MEMBERS Must comply with US & International Industry consumer guidelines, applicable laws, & regulations.
GEM Treatments & Enhancements must be disclosed per US law.
International Customs vary from country to country. Don't buy or sell merchandise that won't clear customs.
ZERO TOLERANCE on posting Counterfeit, Reproductions, and/or Replica Merchandise.
SELLER is Responsible for the Carrier to Deliver the Item(s) or Refunding Buyers Money. Insurance & Proof of Delivery Required.
7.) Unauthorized: Payments, Shared URLs, Contact Info
UNAUTHORIZED PAYMENT METHODS: PayPal Friends and Family, Western Union, InstaPay.
NOTE: Seller may charge Buyer Actual Fees Incurred by Payment Processor if Disclosed in Listing.
NO SHARED Websites, Groups, URLs, Hot Links, Pages, Emails, PM Request, Phone Numbers, etc...
NO SHARED Listings From Other Sites, eBay, Etsy, Instagram, FB Market Place, etc...
8.) Unsolicited Actions: Spamming, Hijacking
SPAMMING other members is not allowed. You may not contact our members via pm or any other methods with unsolicited offers for the sale of your merchandise or for the intent of adding them to your group or page privately. (Even if member is your past customer)
HIJACKING another seller's post is prohibited, create your own new post instead.
REPORT any spam or hijacking to management so we may resolve the issue.
9.) Group Sponsorship: Optional vs Required Programs
TT was created to provide a Safe & Free Trading Platform for mom-and-pop Jewelers, Coin Dealers, and Pawnbrokers in a limited capacity.
VENDORS are Welcome but expected to contribute to TT via our Gold Sponsorship Program.
INTERNATIONAL SELLERS are Welcome but expected to contribute to TT via our Gold Sponsorship Program.
TT's Gold Sponsorship Program is accessible to all members at multiple levels, each offering additional benefits.
"Our Gold Sponsors Contributions Keeps TT Going & Growing!"
10.) Terms of Service & Disclaimers
Please read Treasure Traders Group Description located in our "About" section of the group to review our Terms of Service, and Disclaimers.